女王生日阅兵 小王子公主超萌亮相成娇点(高清图)

    图/撷自justjared  英国女王伊丽莎白二世(Elizabeth II)欢度91岁生日,女王率王室成员现身白金汉宫阳台,威廉王子爱妻凯特和一双萌儿女模样超吸睛,成了这场盛会的焦点。

Continue Reading 女王生日阅兵 小王子公主超萌亮相成娇点(高清图)


刚才跟娃聊天,这位是猝死,原因不详。星期三下午校篮球队训练,突然倒地。送医院路上人就没了。 今天对于我们学校的家庭来说是一个艰难的一年,但是看到我们的学生和工作人员聚在一起支持是令人鼓舞的。星星XYZ是学校社区的特别成员,他触动了他遇到的每个人的生命,并将深受其害。请与我们一起保持家人的思想和祷告。 我们开始了沉默的一天,我们每一个第一批教师都给学生一个机会来处理他们的感受和反应。来自全区各地的辅导员在礼堂里与需要额外支持的学生一起工作。在未来的日子里,我们会继续关注学生,只要有需要,我们会提供协助。 像星星这样的突然和创伤性的死亡给表面带来许多感觉,我们想向你保证,我们在这里支持我们所有的学生,不管他们为什么受伤。当我们对同学,学生和朋友的损失感到悲伤时,我们也提醒我们其他人从我们那里过来。 请在家里和你的青少年谈话,不要害怕与他们分享你的感受,因为你提供安心和舒适。一些年轻人,特别是那些最近经历过创伤性生活的年轻人,可能会特别不高兴,有很多的感受。这些反应是完全正常的,通常不会持续很长时间。 寻找行为变化很重要,这可能表明您的儿子或女儿需要额外的支持。专家建议您的孩子观看以下警告标志:过度恐惧黑暗,分离或孤独;紧贴父母;害怕陌生人;担心;不成熟行为增加;不想上学;饮食或睡眠模式的变化;增加侵略行为或害羞;持续恶梦;头痛或其他身体不适。 如果您觉得您的小孩有任何这些或其他问题,请与他或她的辅导员或儿科医生谈话,以便我们能够一起协助我们的学生。感谢您与家人一起工作,并得到您的支持和鼓励。一如往常,请随时致电381-3546致电我的问题或疑虑。 AI翻译,原文在下面 Today was a difficult one for ourschool family, but it was inspiring to see our students and staff come together to support each other. Star XYZ was a special member of the school community who touched the lives of everyone he met and will be deeply missed. Please join us in keeping his family close in thought and prayer. We began our day with a moment of silence, and each of our first block teachers gave students an opportunity to process their feelings and reactions. Counselors from throughout the district worked in the auditorium with students who needed additional support. We’ll continue to be watchful of our students in the days ahead and will provide assistance as long as it is needed. A sudden and traumatic death like Star’s brings many feelings to the surface and we want to assure you that we are here to support all of our students, regardless of why they are hurting. As we grieve the loss of our classmate, student and friend, we are reminded of others taken from us too soon. Please talk with your teen at home and do not be afraid to share your feelings with them as you offer reassurance and comfort.  Some young people, especially those who have recently experienced a traumatic life event, may be especially upset and have lots of feelings to talk about. These reactions are completely normal and usually will not last long. It is important to look for changes in behavior that may signal that your son or daughter needs additional support.  Experts recommend watching your child for the following warning signs: excessive fear of darkness, separation, or being alone; clinging to parents; fear of strangers; worry; increase in immature behaviors; not wanting to go to school; changes in eating or sleeping patterns; increase in either aggressive behavior or shyness; persistent nightmares; headaches or other physical complaints. If you feel your child is having any of these or other problems, please talk with his or her counselor or pediatrician so we can work together to help our students. Thank you for the privilege of working with your family and for your support and encouragement.  As always, please don’t hesitate to call me at 381-3546 with questions or concerns. 化名,但整个事件是真实的

Continue Reading 更吓人的,就发生在身边,就在今天——校长来信


  那段时间,高岗经常在深夜与李力群长谈,今夜谈得更多,情绪也很激动。他讲自己的经历,讲近几年发生的事情,讲他思想上的矛盾和疑惑等等。他说:"我这辈子做了不少对革命有利的好事,也做了一些对不起党和人民,对不起你的事情。现在,我的问题牵扯到那么多人,我怎么对得起他们呀!不如死了算啦!" 本文摘自2004年第11期《百年潮》,作者赵家梁、张晓霁,原题为《高岗之死》。

Continue Reading 高岗自杀绝密内幕:受牵连者太多死了算了(图)



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美联航飞行员工会表态:不怪我们 怪航空局(图)

    北京时间14日早间消息,据Business Insider报道,美联航(专题)飞行员工会周四首次就赶客下机事件发表言论,对发生这种事件表示愤怒,称这一事件的责任应由芝加哥(专题)航空局的警员承担,美联航员工没有参与“肢体冲突”。

Continue Reading 美联航飞行员工会表态:不怪我们 怪航空局(图)



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    据国际劳工组织(ILO)的数据显示,越南有将近10.13万性工作者。  据越南《青年报》2月14日报道,近日越南首都河内出台了一项打击非法嫖娼的政策,为警方设定“抓嫖”配额:2017年,越南警方必须查处不少于200起卖淫活动,并最少要对500名妓女进行罚款。

Continue Reading 越南首都为警方设抓嫖配额:1年须处罚500妓女(图)