2015年加拿大移民申请的新变化 各类移民详细情况

2014-12-08 00:45:07  来源网站:超级生活网 移民政策的变化一直是大家关注的话题,在即将过去的2014年里,加拿大移民部对于移民政策上做出了不少调整,而将要迈入的新的一年,各类别的移民项目又预计会出现什么变革呢?超级生活采访了有二十多年移民留学经验的加华移民留学中心的副总裁吴冰女士,让专业人士来谈谈2015年关于各种移民申请的新变化。 父母或祖父母团聚移民 首先谈谈将于2015年1月2日再次重新接受申请的父母或祖父母团聚移民,对于很多期盼着能够早日与父母或者祖父母在加拿大共享天伦之乐的加拿大公民或者永久居民, 这肯定是一个振奋人心的好消息。对于那些在2014年年初时由于名额的限制而未能赶得上递交申请的加国子女或者孙子女(即担保人),这次的重开希望能够让他们一尝所愿。 与2014年要求一致,父母担保期将会是20年,担保人的最低收入标准上调了30%,加拿大统计局每年会因应国内的经济指标,国民收入等制定一个年度的 “最低收入标准表” (Low Income Cut-off, 简称LICO)。 因此在新的规定下, 担保人的年收入必须达到 LICO+30%。 同时, 担保人的家庭总收入与该家庭的人口加上被担保人(即父母或者祖父母)的人数总和有关。 例如, 一个单身的担保人, 担保父母二人, 该家庭总人数是3人。如果担保人已婚,育有两名子女,担保父母二人,该家庭总人数则是6人。担保人必须提供过去3年的收入证明, 而且过往3年的收入都必须达到以下所提到的收入要求。 如果担保人想在2015年1月2日能够递交担保申请, 那么就需要提供2011, 2012和2013年的退税单(NOA)或者评税表(Option-C)原件。 因为2014年的退税单要大约到2015年中旬才能够收到, 不能够在2015年1月2日前提供, 所以2014年的收入无法计算在内, 但是担保人仍然要提供2014年全年的收入和雇主证明。 由于全球名额只有5,000个,采取先到先得,…

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全球最强护照最新出炉:加拿大排第2! 2015-04-07 02:47:33  来源网站:加拿大蒙特利尔蒙城汇网 全球顾问公司“Henley and Partners”近日制作一份强势护照指数表,Henley and Partners在报告中表示,此报告是国民旅游自由程度的全球排名, 主要以护照的免签国家数量来进行评比,总共评比199个国家(地区),包括联合国193个会员国,与其他6个区域的护照(台湾、香港、澳门、科索沃、巴勒 斯坦、梵蒂冈)。 芬兰、德国、瑞典、美国和英国拿下第1名,其免签的国家数高达174国。排名第2的为丹麦与加拿大,免签国家数为173国。亚洲的日本及南韩则排在第3名,免签国家数为172国。 台湾排名24,免签国家数为132国;香港排名15,免签国家数为156国;中国排名为第83,免签国家数为45国。名单的最后一名为排名第94的阿富汗,免签国家数为28国。 以下为199个国家(地区)的总排名: 不看不知道,原来加拿大护照这么给力!!那些正在申请加拿大护照的小伙伴们是不是在申请的路上又加快了脚步呢? style="margin:4px 3px 4px;border:0;vertical-align:middle;" alt="全球最强护照最新出炉:加拿大排第2!"/> 相关文章 2014-12-21加拿大千本护照印刷有误 可能被拒出入境 2014-10-08护照新规:改名字需要先改出生证明或公民证 2013-12-032013入籍改新名字 申请加拿大护照流程分享 2012-12-202013年申请加拿大护照的费用将会大幅增加 2012-11-07加拿大护照申请手续及更换步骤详细攻略 2012-09-18加拿大枫叶卡换领的最新规定及未来走向 2012-09-10移民加国:小心驾照和护照被冒领 2012-03-23最新版加拿大护照免签证或落地签证国家 2011-04-18登陆加拿大尽快拿两照:加拿大护照…

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移民好去处:新斯科舍省推移民新政 留学生名额增加

2015-05-16 02:07:57  来源网站: RCI 这个星期二,新斯科舍省公布了一项针对国际留学生的省提名移民新政策,凡是在加拿大完成大学课程,并在该省有一年工作经历的国际留学生,都可以申请省提名移民,获准后基本上可以申请到加拿大永久居民身份。该省的省提名配额去年是700名,最后实际超出了17名。今年的名额增加到1,050名。 星期四,新斯科舍省还公布了一项有关移民政策的调查报告。它来自于省政府委托的十几个相关团体从去年6月开始的一项调查研究,最后由企业研究协会进行了综合。 报告认为,新斯科舍省政府在吸引和留住新移民方面缺乏长远的眼光。报告说,“关注移民事务的各个团体基本都觉得,本省在移民问题上似乎缺乏明确的长期愿景,没有提出清楚的计划和预期目标”。 省移民厅副厅长苏珊·莱伊说,过去一年来,省政府在移民政策上做出了很多调整,就是根据这项调查研究提出的建议。例如已经简化了移民申请的程序,推出了一个新网站,并更加专注于留下那些有技能和受过良好教育的移民。 根据省移民部门的统计,从2007年到2011年的5年间,抵达新斯科舍省的新移民有71%留了下来。 但报告的主要起草人,阿卡迪亚大学校长雷·伊瓦尼(Ray Ivany)认为,目前新斯科舍省每年接收的新移民约为2,300人,但根据该省的经济发展报告,需要约3倍于此的新移民。 该报告还引述一些被调查者的话批评联邦政府在处理移民申请时“拖沓、繁琐、挑剔”。

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移民部公布“快速移民”(Express Entry)办法后翌日,被发现在官网上突然出现“加拿大经验类(CEC)年度上限8000个申请已经额满”的提示,令担心“快速移民”不好办、希望搭CEC尾班车的申请人望门兴叹。 然而,该项“CEC已额满”的提示发放形式混乱,它是在“快速移民”的一页上公布,而并非CEC的网页;相反,在CEC的一页,显示已收到的申请数字仍停留在4537宗,令人不知该相信哪一个数字。

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加拿大结婚团聚移民中国申请人数下降,通过率大幅提高 2015-05-16 02:06:07  来源网站:加拿大留学生会 据移民部资料指出,中国配偶移民申请在2008年曾高达6504宗,但到了2012年减至4370宗,等于5年内减少32%。 至于被拒率方面,2008年中国配偶移民申请的被拒率高达36%,2009年更达39%,但到了2012年时,被拒率回降至15%,不及高峰时期的一半。 中国及印度向来是加拿大配偶移民申请最多的来源国家,移民部一直关注婚姻造假问题,打假不遗馀力,但在另一方面,也有申请人抱怨明明是真实婚姻,却被移民官犹如以放大镜检视,尤其是检视两人究竟有无亲密生活关係,令申请人感到全无隐私可言。 此前曾有年过8旬的华裔申请人投诉,他与一位年轻二十多岁的中国女子共谱「黄昏恋曲」,双方爱得如胶似漆,才决定结婚,且将在中国的妻子接来同住,没想到,妻子申请结婚移民却遭到拒绝,让两人的「黄昏之恋」到最后未能有美满结局,空留遗憾。 移民部为防有人假结婚,因而修改法令,强加两年期的有条件永久居民规定,根据新例,配偶申请人抵加后,只获有条件移民资格,要经两年与配偶同住、移民部核实婚姻真确后,才会取消条件。 style="margin:4px 3px 4px;border:0;vertical-align:middle;" alt="加拿大结婚团聚移民中国申请人数下降,通过率大幅提高"/> 相关文章 2013-01-16加拿大境外结婚团聚移民timeline和准备材料 2011-04-28加拿大移民审批“加速度” 通过率较高 2011-01-122011年加拿大移民预测 投资移民通过率高 2010-08-16港投资移民获批准通过率89% 去年47%需面谈 2010-04-07移民条例修改 真结婚团聚可被拒 2010-04-07加拿大移民条例修改 真结婚团聚可被拒 2010-01-27办理加拿大结婚团聚签证要谨慎 2009-11-24魁省投资移民面试通过率仅67% 专家支招教您 相关推荐 结婚团聚    通过率     用户名:…

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2015-05-16 02:06:07  来源网站:加拿大留学生会 据移民部资料指出,中国配偶移民申请在2008年曾高达6504宗,但到了2012年减至4370宗,等于5年内减少32%。 至于被拒率方面,2008年中国配偶移民申请的被拒率高达36%,2009年更达39%,但到了2012年时,被拒率回降至15%,不及高峰时期的一半。 中国及印度向来是加拿大配偶移民申请最多的来源国家,移民部一直关注婚姻造假问题,打假不遗馀力,但在另一方面,也有申请人抱怨明明是真实婚姻,却被移民官犹如以放大镜检视,尤其是检视两人究竟有无亲密生活关係,令申请人感到全无隐私可言。 此前曾有年过8旬的华裔申请人投诉,他与一位年轻二十多岁的中国女子共谱「黄昏恋曲」,双方爱得如胶似漆,才决定结婚,且将在中国的妻子接来同住,没想到,妻子申请结婚移民却遭到拒绝,让两人的「黄昏之恋」到最后未能有美满结局,空留遗憾。 移民部为防有人假结婚,因而修改法令,强加两年期的有条件永久居民规定,根据新例,配偶申请人抵加后,只获有条件移民资格,要经两年与配偶同住、移民部核实婚姻真确后,才会取消条件。

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2015-05-15 14:30:43  来源网站:加拿大移民家园 最近有人问我加拿大移民要多少钱 - -囧,小编虽然知道个大概但是系统的还没整理过~不知道论坛有没有前辈发过或是资料有误的通知我一下~我这里发一个简单明了版的,谢谢大家的支持! 一、申请费 收费机构为加拿大联邦移民局 主申请人:550加币/人;随行配偶:550加币/人;随行未满19周岁随同子女:150加币/人 通过信用卡、汇票、邮政汇款支付 寄给the Receiver General for Canada 二、第三方费用 公证费 (各地方不一样,不例举) 学历认证费 WES: 认证报告200加元+85加币快递费(依不同国际快递而定)+13% HST(销售税)【大约322.05加元】 清华认证:报告费260+360+快递费228【848人民币】成绩单要翻译的话多加300人民币 体检费 15周岁以上:1,700元人民币/人,15周岁以下:500-1,250元人民币/人(指定体检医院) 雅思考试费 考试报名费1750人民币 转考费420人民币 退考费420人民币 翻译费 不列举,自己找翻译公司商量去,囧…

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为减少积压案件,2008年2月27日,新的加拿大移民处理系统开始,将极大影响技术移民。 Reducing Canada's immigration backlog Canada needs a more responsive immigration system where we reduce wait times so that families are reunited faster and skilled workers arrive sooner. That's why, on March 14, the Government of Canada proposed changes to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. The changes mean that those who submitted an application before February 27, 2008, would continue to be processed under the current system. However, Citizenship and Immigration Canada ( CIC ) would have greater flexibility in processing new applications, especially from skilled workers. Anyone would still be able to apply, but CIC would no longer be required to process all new skilled worker applications. Under the proposed changes, the Minister would have the authority to issue instructions to immigration officers on the processing of applications, including in relation to the jobs available in Canada, so that people with those skills and experience can be brought to Canada more quickly. However, as is the case now, the decisions on individual applications would still be made by CIC immigration officers. The Minister cannot reverse these decisions. The instructions would be made public, and would reflect commitments to provinces and territories. They would be published in the Canada Gazette , reported in the Department's annual report to Parliament and posted on CIC's website. About the proposed amendments to the immigration system 关于新的加拿大移民系统 Canada was built on immigration. With more than 15 million people from every corner of the globe having come to Canada since Confederation, our immigration program is one of the largest and most successful in the world. Unfortunately, we are also victims of our own success. There are almost enough people already waiting in line to meet our immigration targets for the next four years. And yet tens of thousands more people continue to apply every year. This means long and growing wait times for newcomers and their families. This is not good for prospective immigrants and it is not good for Canada, because people may be encouraged to go to more competitive countries where the wait times are shorter. To complicate matters further, all skilled worker applications are currently processed in the order they are received, regardless of the applicant's skills or profession and whether they meet the country's needs. And all applications must, by law, be processed. So the backlog continues to build. We need a more responsive immigration system where we reduce wait times so that families are reunited faster and skilled workers arrive sooner. That's why, on March 14, the Government of Canada proposed changes to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. The changes mean that those who submitted an application before February 27, 2008, would continue to be processed under the current system. However, Citizenship and Immigration Canada ( CIC ) would have greater flexibility in processing new applications, especially from skilled workers. Anyone would still be able to apply, but CIC would no longer be required to process all new skilled worker applications. The aim of the changes is to modernize Canada's immigration system. Under the proposed changes, the Minister would have the authority to issue instructions to immigration officers on the processing of applications, including in relation to the jobs available in Canada, so that people with those skills and experience can be brought to Canada more quickly. However, as is the case now, the decisions on individual applications would still be made by CIC immigration officers. The Minister cannot reverse these decisions. In this way, newcomers will have more opportunities to find work sooner, to provide a better life for themselves and their families and to benefit more from life in Canada. These instructions must be consistent with the overall objectives of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act , which are to support Canada's economy and competitiveness, reunite families and provide protection to those who need it. They must also be consistent with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which protects against discrimination on such bases as race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age and mental and physical disability. The instructions would be made public, and would reflect commitments to provinces and territories. They would be published in the Canada Gazette , reported in the Department's annual report to Parliament and posted on CIC 's website. Applications not processed in a given year could be held for future consideration or returned to the applicant, who would be welcome to reapply. It is important to note that commitments to refugees and family reunification will not be affected. Overall immigration targets will continue to be set in our annual report to Parliament. The proposed measures would do a much better job of responding to our economic and regional needs, reducing wait times for new applicants and reducing the backlog. They will provide the flexibility to process applicants with the skills Canada needs, as is the case in many competitor countries, including Australia and New Zealand.

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