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From Petter Kuo

When I immigrated to this country at age 14, no one told me the "American Dream" was impossible because of the color of my skin; on the other hand, no one told me the same dream will be handed to me because of the  color of my skin.  What I was told is that if you work hard and do your best, this country will give you that opportunity and freedom to make your dream come true.  Freedom of upward mobility, accomplishment and the ability to provide for one's family is the ultimate drive that motivates people to work so hard. With the passing of SCA-5 in California, all of the principles of competition and the drive for excellence have been eliminated.  Requiring the UC and CSU College system to cap the number of students from any given ethnic background based on that ethnicity's overall percentage of the state population is racial discrimination at its finest, and it eliminates the founding principle of our country, work hard and you shall achieve.  How has our California State Senate become so "dumbed down" that they think this is best method of selecting incoming students for our crown jewel, envy of the world--our California UC and CSU Education System?  In addition, how are they going to be able to enforce this policy? I feel strongly that we need to protect civil liberty of our citizens; however, determining the admission to our higher education should be based on individual merit and academic result; not based on sex, national origin nor race.  SCA 5 completely missed the point of protecting minorities.  It needs to be repealed and never seen again.  Please help elect me to the State Senate and not only will I fight SCA 5 if passed, but I will fight to keep it from ever becoming law in the future, and will assure that the legislature never tries to sneak it by the voters again.  

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  尼古拉首次出现在公众面前是在白俄罗斯 2008年的阅兵式上,当时他随父亲,白俄罗斯总统卢卡申科一身戎装打扮,神似“副统帅”。没错,卢卡申科已经宣布尼古拉将是他的继承者。当你认为又一个霸道总裁的故事即将诞生的时候,别忘了他还是个孩子。本文摘自微信公众号“X博士”,作者吴盛杰、霍启明,原题为《大阅兵の神秘金发美少年》,文章有删节。

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传:金正恩要坐在习身边阅兵 被拒后大耍脾气(图)


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中国女兵走出历史 有可能是今天最全的女兵照片

                      9月3日上午,纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年大会在北京隆重举行。女仪仗队员首次受阅。中新社记者 徐冬冬摄

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    今天上午10时,李克强宣布纪念大会开始。  纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年,主要安排的是曾参加抗日战争、现在仍健在的抗战老兵、支前模范和英烈子女代表参阅,在邀请外宾参会、大会安排等方面,也更多体现的是“国家行为”,因此由国务院总理李克强主持大会最为合适。

Continue Reading 解读:今天上午为何由总理李克强主持纪念大会?


    习大大用左手向官兵招手致意  @人民日报  【“左手礼?”是习大大在向官兵招手致意】有网友发现,阅兵仪式上,习大大在乘坐检阅车返回金水桥的检阅路上,是用左手敬礼。有人有疑问,也有热心网友自发解释,甚至引经据典,用道德经佐证左手礼大有讲究。其实,只是镜头角度误区,真实情况是,习近平在向三军将士招手致意。

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