快讯:美国堪萨斯突发枪击 至少4死30伤 多处开火

快讯:美国堪萨斯突发枪击 至少4死30伤 多处开火


快讯:美国堪萨斯突发枪击 至少4死30伤 多处开火








  据警方发言人卡里汤普森(Kari Thompson)表示,五名受害人在3个不同场所被发现,失踪的一辆丰田汉兰达汽车属于其中一名死者,警方经数小时后定位到此车正在堪萨斯城南部商业区内。


  (CNN)Multiple people were killed Thursday in a series of shootings that ended at Excel Industries in Hesston, Kansas, Harvey County Sheriff T. Walton told reporters.

  The suspected shooter, an employee at Excel, was killed.

  ”There could be as many as three or four others (dead), and possibly up to 20 people that have been injured,” Walton said.

  The sheriff told reporters that authorities first received a report of a man having been shot while driving. Second, a person was reported shot in the leg. Third, a report came in about a shooting in the parking lot of Excel. Finally, an active shooter was reported inside the workplace, Walton said.

  The shooter was not identified.

  Gov. Sam Brownback offered his condolences to the people of Hesston, which is 35 miles north of Wichita.

  ”This will take some time to worth through,” Walton said, citing the large number of crime scenes and people involved.

  Excel Industries is a maker of lawn care products.

  ”This is just a horrible incident that’s happened here,” the sheriff said. “It’s going to be a lot of sad people before this is all over.”

  CNN’s Keith Allen contributed to this report.

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