枪手闯加州圣地牙哥社区泳池趴 1死7伤
美国国家广播公司(NBC)圣地牙哥(San Diego)地方台报导,事发在环球市(Universal City)集合住宅,当时正举行生日趴,闯入的凶嫌经指认为49岁的赛里斯(Peter Selis)。
圣地牙哥警长齐默曼(Shelley Zimmerman)告诉记者,枪手因将武器对著警察,于是遭击毙。警长并未提到凶嫌可能动机。
「洛杉矶(专题)时报」(LA Times)报导,泳池周围当时约有30人,大多为非裔美人。而凶嫌是白人,穿著棕色短裤,带著大口径手枪。
Pictured: This is Peter Selis, the 49-year-old father-of-two who opened fire at a pool party in San Diego Sunday evening
美圣地亚哥枪击(专题)案枪手身份公布 当事民众还原事件经过
圣地亚哥警察局局长 谢利·齐默曼:我们的直升机指引警官赶到事发的泳池区域,警官发现了嫌疑人并与其交火。该嫌疑人当时仍持有武器,嫌疑人用枪指向我们的警官。我们的三名警官向其开火,嫌疑人被击倒随后证实已被击毙。
圣地亚哥警察局局长 谢利·齐默曼:我们目前知道的就是有8名受害者,他们被射伤。他们中有几人伤势严重已被送往当地医院。
Witnesses said that Selis had a beer in one hand and his gun in the other as he shot innocent partygoers on Sunday. Above, three officers respond to the scene and fire back at Selis
Selis was a service technician at a local Ford dealership and lived at the apartment complex. He was a father of two and also a stepfather to one
Police are still trying to determine the motive for the crime. Selis' body is seen above in the chair from which he carried out the shooting
Police have not ruled out a hate crime since all of Selis' victim were men and women of color. Above, the pool after the shooting
The eight people injured were rushed to nearby hospitals with several in critical condition. One of the female victims later died of her injuries
Four of the victims were African-American women, two were African-American men, and one was Hispanic. The man who injured his arm while fleeing was also African American. Above, survivors embrace after the shooting
Witnesses say that the man who was celebrating his birthday party went up to Selis to offer him food and drink, and that he declined. Above, two survivors
Selis took out his gun, which was hidden under his shirt and then started shooting at partygoers from his pool chair. Above, survivors after the shooting