来源: 落城一哥 于 2017-05-08 00:33:43
1, April 16 at 7:49pm ·
It’s crazy to think that these 4 transformative years of my life end with the next step – college. I am thankful and frankly surprised to have been accepted to these colleges and it’s going to be a difficult decision to say the least: Columbia, UPenn, Dartmouth, Cornell and UC Berkeley!
However, I will be eternally grateful for the people – my friends, family, teachers, coaches, etc – who have deliberately or unwittingly come into my life, supporting me along the way and helping me grow as a person. Especially my parents and my older sister,PIHUG. I couldn’t have gone this far without any of you. And I will never forget the experiences that I have made in high school. From the clashing debates and endless campaigns in JSA to the late studious nights and very productive meetings in Science Olympiad and Science Bowl, from the relentless grassroots advocacy efforts in the Campaign for AAPYC to the grinding moments working on the school newspaper The VANMR… the unforgettable summer programs… I can go on and on… high school was truly anything but unremarkable.
And to the friends I’ve made at Columbia’s Days on Campus, UPenn’s Quaker Days, Cornell Days, UC Berkeley's Early Admission's Experience and soon at Dartmouth’s Dimensions, I cannot wait for the great times ahead.
Thank you to all those who have made me the person I am today. Here’s a toast to the next exciting and thrilling 4 years!
想想这个令人有点疯狂的时刻,我高中变革性的四年生活即将结束,下一站就是上大学。我 感到很欣慰,坦率地说,我也感到很惊讶,我至少被以下大学录取了:哥大,宾大,康乃尔,大猫和柏大!接下来将是艰难的择校。
不管怎样,我都会永远感激你们 – 我的朋友,我的家庭,我的老师,我的教练,等等 —— 是你们有意或无意地走进了我的生活,支持我一路走来,帮助我成长为一个人。尤其是我的父母和我的姐姐,没有你们中任意一个,我都不可能走得这么远取得今天的成绩。我也永远不会忘记我在高中期间所经历的一切:从JSA的冲突性辩论和不曾停顿的竞选活动,到最近为Science Olympiad和Science Bowl团队,夜以继日的学习和富有成效的会议讨论;从为CCPCYCC竟选活动坚持不懈的基层宣传,到为校报VVNMM最后定稿的煎熬时刻,……以及难以忘怀的暑期项目 …… 我还可以列出很多。真是一个实实在在的不平凡的高中生涯。
2, PIHUG: I'm always proud of you little brother. Congratulations on your accomplishments! I hope wherever you end up going would help you achieve your dreams and make you happy.
April 16 at 8:07pm
3,April 17 at 12:11am
To my one and only little brother KEHUG:
It's hard for me to think that you're growing up so fast. As cliche as it sounds, it only felt like yesterday to have you following right behind me like a lost little duck who believed his sister held all the answers in the world. You are the sweetest little brother I could ever have, from cheering me on during my competitions to comforting me when I was in tears. There was a time when we were young and we fought a lot, never thinking we would ever get along. But look at us now – we're only slightly more than a year apart but we talk like we're same age friends and we accompanied each other through the highs and lows of our lives.
The biggest change I saw in you was during high school. It's funny that most people look up to their older siblings but for me, I equally look up to you. I saw how much work and spirit you put into your teams and into your work. I saw you sleep at the oddest times in the weirdest positions. I also saw how you took my criticism and advice as well as everyone else's, and how you grew from my and their words. Sometimes I want the world to stop and give you a break because you're my little brother and I just want you to have a good sleep and maybe not worry about tomorrow's test or competition. But I know you wouldn't want that. Because that's you and you won't ever stop putting in 110% effort.
Now that you're onto the last 2 months of your high school years and looking far into the horizon, somewhere I can't see, I feel simultaneously wistful and eager. Wistful for the good old days but eager to see how you will grow as a person and what you'll do for this world. Though you may go far away, I'll always be here to encourage you. Never doubt your abilities and keep pushing forward. Thank you for being my little brother.
第一段文字这是儿子在接到大学录取通知书两星期后在FB发表的感言,女儿在半小时后即贴了一个简短的跟帖。女儿可能觉得意犹未尽,几个小时后又贴出了一个较长的饱含深情的短文。儿子肯定未料到她姐姐还会回复他一个长文。儿子的感言贴出24小时后即收到近300个关注/点赞,累计共有500 个关注/点赞,其中有70来条评论。 这些人来自东西两岸,包括小学初中高中的老师同学,以及在JSA,Summer Program和Campaign结识的朋友。(这是其中一个高中同学的Comment: ELCI: I've repeated these words countless times and I won't hesitate to say them again: I am beyond proud of you. You've come so far and it's exciting to see that college is just one of many countless thrilling endeavors you'll encounter in life. I have no doubt that you will thrive wherever you go. It's remarkable to see that the boy who offered to tutor me for bio in sophomore year (yes, I still remember) is now on his way to higher education. :') You truly deserve this. Congratulations, good luck, and I can't wait to see you accomplish many more amazing feats. I'll always be rooting for you! Also, thank you for always encouraging me to aim higher and to never settle for less. YOU'RE GOING TO GO FAR IN LIFE, KEHUG. )从学会走路开始,他就是姐姐身边的一个跟屁虫,大事小事都会征询她的意见,小到穿件衣服,大到学校选择,其实他们俩相差不到两岁。但他在外面却是另外一番景象,虽说没干什么大事,但总是主动出击,根据自身的特长安排学习和课外活动。儿子上的高中比女儿上的高中稍微差点,但他以姐姐为榜样,课外课内学习勤奋努力。但他们当然也有许多缺点,但我们不苛求啊,也许其中许多还是他们这一代人的优点呢。我们算是幸运的,他们俩在小学中学期间没有给我们制造什么太多的恼人的麻烦。人生的路还很长,他们才刚刚踏上人生的征程,希望他们尽量走好每一步。
(20170508 凌晨)