美国大学“Holistic Admissions"的真相

美国大学“Holistic Admissions"的真相

来源: 2018-04-29 10:23:35

美国大学“Holistic Admissions"的真相
Many of the nation's elite universities practice what is called "holistic admissions." Above, Johns Hopkins Universityin Baltimor. (Patrick Semansky / Associated Press)


In May, 60 groups filed a complaint with the Justice and Education departments claiming that Asian Americans are held to a different standard — a higher standard — than other students applying for admission at elite universities. They believe that "holistic admissions" is being used as a modern-day form of racial discrimination.

I worked in admissions at the University of Pennsylvania and at Franklin & Marshall College, and I can tell you something about what goes on. Elite universities — public and private — practice what is called "holistic admissions," a policy based on the idea that a test score or GPA does not completely reflect who a student is and what he or she can bring to a college community. It allows a college to factor in a student's background, challenges overcome, extracurricular involvement, letters of recommendation, special talents, writing ability and many other criteria. Private schools and many public universities can include race among the characteristics they consider, as long as they don't apply racial quotas.

In all, holistic admissions adds subjectivity to admissions decisions, and the practice makes it difficult to explain who gets in, who doesn't, and why. But has holistic admissions become a guise for allowing cultural and even racial biases to dictate the admissions process?

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