
来源: 2015-01-28 16:00:56


如果不是职业运动员,运动还是要适量,不要影响睡眠为好。上次在这里看到有个家长,说初中的女儿晚上九点怎么就无精打采的,被他强拉出去游了一小时泳,还说,“看,运动一下不就精神了嘛。”结果小孩精神到晚上12点。 我看了以后很无语。

以下是TIMES 2010 年的一篇报道节选,还有全文的LINK。

In another study in Sleep, University of Sydney researchers focused on adolescents and young adults who weren’t getting enough sleep — an increasingly common problem among the digital generation, who stays up late plugged into their computers and smart phones. Turns out, burning the midnight oil can have long-term consequences. Researchers found that for each hour of lost sleep, levels of psychological distress rose by 5% in nearly 3,000 17-to-24-year-olds who were followed for 12 to 18 months. Overall, short sleepers were 14% more likely to report symptoms of psychological distress on a standard test, compared with people who got adequate sleep. The effect was especially pronounced among young people who already suffered from anxiety; in this group, lack of sleep triggered more serious mental health problems like full-blown depression and even bipolar disorder, according to the study’s lead author, Professor Nick Glozier. But even among those who began the study in good health, less than five hours of sleep meant tripling their odds of psychological distress.


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