Remembers the answers.
Poses unforeseen questions. |
Sees exceptions.
Is interested.
Is curious. |
Is attentive.
Is selectively mentally engaged. |
Daydreams; may seem off task.
Generates advanced ideas.
Generates complex, abstract ideas. |
Overflows with ideas, many of which will never be developed.
Works hard to achieve.
Knows without working hard. |
Plays with ideas and concepts.
Answer the questions in detail.
Ponders with depth and multiple perspectives. |
Injects new possibilities.
Performs at the top of the group.
Is beyond the group. |
Is in own group.
Responds with interest and opinions.
Exhibits feelings and opinions from multiple perspectives. |
Shares bizarre, sometimes conflicting opinions.
Learns with ease.
Already knows. |
Questions: What if…
Needs 6 to 8 repetitions to master.
Needs 1 to 3 repetitions to master. |
Questions the need for mastery.
Comprehends at a high level.
Comprehends in-depth, complex ideas. |
Overflows with ideas–many of which will never be developed.
Enjoys the company of age peers.
Prefers the company of intellectual peers. |
Prefers the company of creative peers but often works alone.
Understands complex, abstract humor.
Creates complex, abstract humor. |
Relishes wild, off-the-wall humor.
Grasps the meaning.
Infers and connects concepts. |
Makes mental leaps: Aha!
Completes assignments on time.
Initiates projects and extensions of assignments. |
Initiates more projects that will ever be completed.
Is receptive.
Is intense. |
Is independent and unconventional.
Is accurate and complete.
Is original and continually developing. |
Is original and continually developing.
Enjoys school often.
Enjoys self-directed learning. |
Enjoys creating.
Absorbs information.
Manipulates information. |
Is a technician with expertise in a field.
Is an expert who abstracts beyond the field. |
Is an inventor and idea generator.
Memorizes well.
Guesses and infers well. |
Creates and brainstorms well.
Is highly alert and observant.
Anticipates and relates observations. |
Is intuitive.
Is pleased with own learning.
Is self-critical. |
Is never finished with possibilities.
Gets A’s.
May not be motivated by grades. |
May not be motivated by grades.
Is able.
Is intellectual. |
Is idiosyncratic.