来源: rock.rose 于 2014-02-06 12:50:05
费很大劲也就不住小九九之类的 math facts。
有ADD/ADHD 的孩子。
我们通常的观点是说小孩子都是这样的,家长耐心教,慢慢长大就好。我是绝对同意这个说法的,把孩子当孩子对待,而小孩子就是这个样子磨人的。但有些时候太磨人,磨得爸爸妈妈每天头大想这孩子到底怎么回事,我怎么会生这么个孩子呢! 也许到这个时候,研究一下这些小脑袋都是怎么回事就有帮助了。 比如说小 baby 的时候 the right brain hemisphere 起主导作用,而左边要2岁以后才开始发育。也就是说小孩子多是 visual-spatial learner,也就是说很多家长都会面对磨蹭和一问三不知的问题。但同时医生专家 common sense 都会告诉我们,有一天小朋友会 grow out of it, 包括多动的问题,这是因为随着左边大脑的发育,孩子的自我控制能力,逻辑思维等方面都会越来越强,也就是长大了。
上面列的那些肯定不够全面,但一下子只能想到这么多了,而这些都是 visual-spatial 孩子(或者说是 right-brained children) 的特点。 当然这样的孩子也有很多优点,比如对想像力丰富,动手能力强,有创造性,对音乐美术敏感。 这些皆大欢喜的地方比较容易应付,对家长来说难的就是那些不那么招人稀罕的地方。上面那些问题在这里讨论的比例那是相当的大。我就不逐条细述了,各家情况不同,程度不一,家长同学们有的放矢的分别研究吧。
The Auditory-Sequential Learner
The Visual-Spatial Learner
Thinks primarily in words | Thinks primarily in pictures |
Has auditory strengths | Has visual strengths |
Relates well to time | Relates well to space |
Is a step-by-step learner | Is a whole-part learner |
Learns by trial and error | Learns concepts all at once |
Progresses sequentially from easy to difficult material |
Learns complex concepts easily; Struggles with easy skills |
Is an analytical thinker | Is a good synthesizer |
Attends well to details | Sees the big picture; may miss details |
Follows oral directions well | Reads maps well |
Does well at arithmetic | Is better at math reasoning than computation |
Learns phonics easily | Learns whole words easily |
Can sound out spelling words | Must visualize words to spell them |
Can write quickly and neatly | Much better at keyboarding than handwriting |
Is well organized | Creates unique methods of organization |
Can show steps of work easily | Arrives at correct solutions intuitively |
Excels at rote memorization | Learns best by seeing relationships |
Has good auditory short-term memory | Has good long-term visual memory |
May need some repetition to reinforce learning |
Learns concepts permanently;
does not learn by drill and repetition |
Learns well from instructions | Develops own methods of problem solving |
Learns in spite of emotional reactions | Is very sensitive to teachers’ attitudes |
Is comfortable with one right answer | Generates unusual solutions to problems |
Develops fairly evenly | Develops quite asynchronously (unevenly) |
Usually maintains high grades | May have very uneven grades |
Enjoys algebra and chemistry | Enjoys geometry and physics |
Masters other languages in classes | Masters other languages through immersion |
Is academically talented | Is creatively, technologically, mechanically, emotionally or spiritually gifted |
Is an early bloomer | Is a late bloomer |