
来源: 2014-02-06 12:50:05

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孩子有下列症状的家长,要去认真学习 visual-spatial 和 auditory-sequential children 是怎么回事。
  1.  做事磨蹭,缺乏时间观念。

  2.  左耳听右耳冒,“屡教不改”。

  3. 字写得像虫子一样。 

  4.  读书快,但拼写差。

  5.  费很大劲也就不住小九九之类的 math facts。

  6.  做题知道答案,说不出为什么。

  7.  对学校里的事一问三不知。甚至不记得留什么作业了。

  8. 看完故事不会讲。 

  9.  课堂上有纪律问题。

  10.  有ADD/ADHD 的孩子。

     我们通常的观点是说小孩子都是这样的,家长耐心教,慢慢长大就好。我是绝对同意这个说法的,把孩子当孩子对待,而小孩子就是这个样子磨人的。但有些时候太磨人,磨得爸爸妈妈每天头大想这孩子到底怎么回事,我怎么会生这么个孩子呢! 也许到这个时候,研究一下这些小脑袋都是怎么回事就有帮助了。 比如说小 baby 的时候 the right brain hemisphere 起主导作用,而左边要2岁以后才开始发育。也就是说小孩子多是 visual-spatial learner,也就是说很多家长都会面对磨蹭和一问三不知的问题。但同时医生专家 common sense 都会告诉我们,有一天小朋友会 grow out of it, 包括多动的问题,这是因为随着左边大脑的发育,孩子的自我控制能力,逻辑思维等方面都会越来越强,也就是长大了。

上面列的那些肯定不够全面,但一下子只能想到这么多了,而这些都是 visual-spatial 孩子(或者说是 right-brained children) 的特点。 当然这样的孩子也有很多优点,比如对想像力丰富,动手能力强,有创造性,对音乐美术敏感。 这些皆大欢喜的地方比较容易应付,对家长来说难的就是那些不那么招人稀罕的地方。上面那些问题在这里讨论的比例那是相当的大。我就不逐条细述了,各家情况不同,程度不一,家长同学们有的放矢的分别研究吧。 




Auditory-Sequential Learner vs. Visual-Spatial Learner


The Auditory-Sequential Learner
The Visual-Spatial Learner
Thinks primarily in words Thinks primarily in pictures
Has auditory strengths Has visual strengths
Relates well to time Relates well to space
Is a step-by-step learner Is a whole-part learner 
Learns by trial and error Learns concepts all at once
Progresses sequentially from easy 
to difficult material
Learns complex concepts easily;  
Struggles with easy skills
Is an analytical thinker Is a good synthesizer
Attends well to details Sees the big picture; may miss details
Follows oral directions well Reads maps well
Does well at arithmetic Is better at math reasoning than computation
Learns phonics easily Learns whole words easily
Can sound out spelling words Must visualize words to spell them
Can write quickly and neatly Much better at keyboarding than handwriting
Is well organized Creates unique methods of organization
Can show steps of work easily Arrives at correct solutions intuitively
Excels at rote memorization Learns best by seeing relationships
Has good auditory short-term memory Has good long-term visual memory
May need some repetition 
to reinforce learning
Learns concepts permanently;
does not learn by drill and repetition
Learns well from instructions Develops own methods of problem solving
Learns in spite of emotional reactions Is very sensitive to teachers’ attitudes
Is comfortable with one right answer Generates unusual solutions to problems
Develops fairly evenly Develops quite asynchronously (unevenly)
Usually maintains high grades May have very uneven grades
Enjoys algebra and chemistry Enjoys geometry and physics
Masters other languages in classes Masters other languages through immersion
Is academically talented Is creatively, technologically, mechanically, 
emotionally or spiritually gifted
Is an early bloomer Is a late bloomer








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