来源: tiantianlu02 于 2014-03-01 20:59:46
2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2011-12 +/-# | 2011-12 +/-% | 2012-13 +/-# | 2012-13 +/-% | |
Berkeley | |||||||
California | 9,303 | 9,348 | 9,219 | 45 | 0.50% | -129 | -1.40% |
Out-of-State | 2,920 | 2,548 | 3,210 | -372 | -12.70% | 662 | 26.00% |
International | 1,300 | 1,142 | 1,672 | -158 | -12.20% | 530 | 46.40% |
Total | 13,523 | 13,038 | 14,101 | -485 | -3.60% | 1,063 | 8.20% |
source: http://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/686807/fall-2013-admissions-table1.pdf
国际学生录取的10年数据在这里http://internationaloffice.berkeley.edu/students/current/enrollment_data, 其中有国籍分布。
State funding per student declined significantly – by 65% over an approximately 20-year period. In 1990-91, the State contributed $17,240 per student – 78% of the total cost. In 2012-13, the State share declined to $6,100, just 37%.
As the State subsidy has declined, the share students pay has more than tripled. In 1990-91, students contributed 13% of the cost of their education; students are paying 49% of the cost of their education in 2012-13.