来源: 蓝调 于 2015-09-11 21:20:19
“There is a quota on the number of international freshman students we may admit (this is the only quota at MIT). Recently that quota number has been approximately 100 international freshman students admitted each year. In each of the past few years, greater than 2000 international students have applied for freshman admission, making the rate of admission less than 5%. The international pool is extremely competitive. ”
African American 8%
Asian American 28%
Caucasian 37%
Mexican American 7%
Native American 1%
Puerto Rican 2%
Other Hispanic groups 3%
Other/no response 6%
International citizens 8%
3. 2007年秋季入学的:
The remaining Class of 2011 is
38 percent Caucasian,
26 percent Asian American,
7 percent Mexican American,
1 percent Native American,
2 percent Puerto Rican,
and 3 percent other Hispanic.
One percent is of other ethnic descent,
8 percent are international students whose ethnicity was not polled,
and 5 percent did not respond.
International students
Applied 3,052
Admitted 119
US Citizens & Permanent Residents: 92%
International students
Applied 3,636
Admitted 123
6. 2010 秋季入学的国际学生数据:
International students
Applied 3,648
Admitted 131
International Citizens
Number of countries represented: 59 10%
International students
Applied 3,930
Admitted 147
8。MIT CLASS OF 2016 国际学生录取数据:
a. http://mitadmissions.org/apply/process/stats
International students
Applied 4,513
Admitted 148
b。MIT CLASS OF 2016 国际学生新生数据:
Citizenship & Ethnicity
US Citizens & Permanent Residents
Number of US states represented: 46 90%
African-American 8%
Asian-American 28%
Caucasian 37%
Hispanic 15%
Native-American 1%
Other/No Response 1%
International Citizens
Number of countries represented: 54 10%
9。class of 2017年的数据:
a. Freshman Class Profile
Citizenship & Ethnicity
US Citizens & Permanent Residents
Number of US states represented: 48 92%
African-American 7%
Asian-American 29%
Caucasian 39%
Hispanic/Latino 15%
Native-American 1%
Other/No Response 1%
International Citizens
Number of countries represented: 52 8%
b.International students
Applied 4,363
Admitted 115
10. class of 2018数据:
a. Admissions statistics for the class entering in the fall of 2014
Applied | 3,940 |
Admitted | 119 |
b. Freshman Class Profile
For The MIT Class of 2018
US Citizens & Permanent Residents* Number of US states represented: 48 |
91% |
American Indian/Alaskan Native | 2% |
Asian American | 30% |
Black/African American | 11% |
Hispanic/Latino | 14% |
Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander | 1% |
White/Caucasian | 50% |
No Response | 2% |
*Total exceeds 100% of class because U.S students may indicate more than one race/ethnicity. | |
International Citizens Number of countries represented: 52 |
9% |
11. Class of 2019
A. International students
Applied | 3,971 |
Admitted | 131 |
B. Citizenship & Self-Reported Ethnicity*
US Citizens & Permanent Residents* Number of US states represented: 50 |
90% |
American Indian/Alaskan Native | 2% |
Asian American | 32% |
Black/African American | 10% |
Hispanic/Latino | 14% |
Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander | 0% |
White/Caucasian | 51% |
No Response | 1% |
*Total exceeds 100% of class because U.S students may indicate more than one race/ethnicity. | |
International Citizens Number of countries represented: 69 |
10% |